Some naturopathic physicians graduated from schools and were licensed/registered before NPLEX and the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education (CNME) were in existence. Consequently, they have never taken the NPLEX Examinations. Because these NDs are not eligible to take the NPLEX Examinations in accordance with normal NABNE policies, the NABNE Board has established a procedure whereby it may make an exception and allow an ND who received era-appropriate education to take the NPLEX Examinations. Both the applicant and the school must meet certain criteria before the ND will be allowed to take the NPLEX Examinations.
To be eligible to take the NPLEX Examinations under the EAE policy, you must:
- Have a diploma from a four-year, in-resident naturopathic medical school or program that is currently accredited by the CNME (verified by a notarized copy of diploma)
- Have taken graduate-level biomedical science coursework, such as biomedical science coursework in any post-baccalaureate program, at either a master’s or doctoral level (verified by official transcript)
- Have received supervised experience/training in a clinical setting (verified by official transcript)
- Have passed state, provincial, or national board healthcare licensing examinations (verified by letter from a jurisdictional licensing/regulatory authority or scores from a national examining board)
- Be currently licensed in a recognized health profession that has educational and examination standards equal to those of naturopathic medicine (verified by a notarized copy of license)
- Have been practicing in a healthcare profession during a majority of the years since graduation (verified by CV and a notarized statement from a professional in the healthcare field)
Have a state naturopathic licensing board verify that you will be eligible for licensure in that state if you pass the NPLEX Examinations
If you have not passed the Biomedical Science Examination, the NABNE Board will determine if you must pass the NPLEX Part I – Biomedical Science Examination before you will be eligible to apply for and take the NPLEX Part II – Clinical Science Examinations.
You can request an Application to Take NPLEX Examinations Based on “ERA Appropriate Education”, by contacting NABNE.