Every answer sheet used for an NPLEX Examination is scanned by a state-of-the-art optical mark reader, and errors are reviewed by the scanning operator. The possibility of a scanning error is negligible. However, you may request a manual scoring from the most recent exam administration to verify that the answers you marked on your answer sheet(s) correctly match the answers recorded by the scanner. You will be notified of the results of this manual scoring, however, you will not receive additional information regarding your exam results (e.g., numerical scores, specific questions answered incorrectly, etc.).
If you would like to receive a manual scoring, your request and payment must be made online no later than April 30th (for an examination you take in February) and no later than October 30th (for an examination you take in August). The Manual Scoring Fee of US$50 for the Part I – Biomedical Science Examination, US$70 for the Part II – Core Clinical Science Examination, and US$40 for each Part II – Clinical Elective Examination must be paid using a debit or credit card.